-Have you started using bamboo toothbrushes and reusable water bottles but you still buy a pack of biscuits wrapped in plastic?

-Are you trying to be a vegetarian but once a month you eat a piece of meat?

-Do you still use your car to go to work?

You may not be living the “Zero waste” life, but doing these things does not make you a bad person that doesn’t care for the environment.

You are trying to change, you are already taking small actions and are way ahead of a lot of people. You are aware of the environmental issues that exist and are doing your bit by trying, so keep going. Keep taking your small steps forwards, talk to people about these topics and you will always be helping the environment.

What does “Zero waste” really mean?

I know that there are a huge number of people working hard to reach the “Zero waste” goal but I can also see why this objective looks very unreachable to a lot of us.
Most people think it’s impossible to reach that goal, therefore, they also think that small changes in their everyday life won’t make a difference and end up doing NOTHING.

Let’s start from the basics.

Zero waste means living a life where all resources are conserved and nothing in discharged in our environment.

Now, let’s work our way around this.
We can’t change and live a zero-waste life from one day to another. We have to start slowly, take one step at a time and try something new in our everyday lives.

Everyone is aware of the threats that our planet is facing and everybody knows that, as humans, we contribute to a high percentage to those threats.

So, what can you do as an individual?

You can either do SOMETHING or do NOTHING.

You may decide to do NOTHING and to keep thinking that your actions will not make a difference. In 10 years time, you will start to truly notice how our planet is falling apart and regret your past choices.

Do you think you are the only person on our Planet that is thinking “Oh but its just one plastic bottle of water”. Definitely not.

There are more than 7 Billion people on this earth! However, if all 7 Billion people changed that way of thinking, I believe something would change, don’t you? If so, you may choose to do SOMETHING.

Everybody can make small changes, everybody! There is literally no excuse for someone still buying a plastic bottle of water instead of having their own reusable one, sorry (not sorry).

Just because you think you can’t reach the ZERO WASTE goal, doesn’t mean you should take ZERO action.
So many of us in this world have the capacity to make a change.

I often think of the time I spent in Africa. Most people out there were living in huts, with no electricity, no bathrooms, no clean water. I don’t blame them for making use of plastic things as much as they can and in as many things as possible.

They don’t have that freedom of choice, whilst WE DO and are making the WRONG CHOICES.

We are choosing what’s easier, what’s more comfortable and what we are used to choosing.

So, what are you going to do?

Are you going to keep being lazy, underestimate the problems that our environment is facing and keep consuming without thinking that these resources are going to end if we keep on going like this?

Are you going to be one of the 7 Billion people to take small actions or one of the 7 billion people to think that their “small” action won’t actually make a difference?

“We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly.
We need millions of people doing it imperfectly”

Anne-Marie Bonneau

I do believe that there are so many of you out there that care for our planet but there are also a good bunch of people who don’t seem to care so much. I am hopeful that change will come and believe in the power of communication and action-taking (as small or as big that may be).

In my “Blue Shop” you can find some of the sustainable products that I use myself. I believe these are very small things you can all change in your life so maybe that is where you can start from if you haven’t already.

Take your small steps to go zero waste, for the planet, for the oceans, for the wildlife and for yourself.

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