Before you do anything at all, THINK TWICE.

We use all this stuff in our everyday lives that is now just ‘normal’ to use. We don’t even think about where it all comes from or where it all goes after we are done using it.

Well, hear me out.

It is estimated that 18 billion pounds of trash are dumped in the world’s oceans EVERY YEAR.

So, when you use any of your everyday items, that’s where most of it ends up. It might end up in a landfill, but it doesn’t end there.

Every plastic item you have used in your life, STILL EXISTS in some shape or form. It has simply broken down.

Just look at the numbers in the picture below!

Once plastic decomposes, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces called MICROPLASTICS (less than 5mm long). They are then consumed by marine animals, from plankton all the way up to whales, entering our food chain too.

Plastic has been found in seafood, beer, salt and canned food (just to mention some –> Click here to read more about which foods now contain plastic).
Humans ‘eat’ over 40 pounds of plastic in a lifetime… Does that sound good to you? Don’t think so.

Plastic has also been found in the bottled water that you drink every single day! Studies have shown that the toxins coming out of plastic bottles can cause a number of different health issues, including reproductive and pregnancy problems as well as cancer (Read more about why you shouldn’t be drinking bottled water, here).

Some people still seem to think that all of this isn’t our problem. Well, that’s not the case.

We are all connected.
The actions we take in our everyday lives damages our planet as well as our own life.

So, next time you are at the store buying something try asking yourself a few questions:

  • Can I live without buying this?
  • Can I buy this item without the plastic wrapping?
  • Can I buy that in a more sustainable form? (maybe in a paper or glass packaging instead)
  • Can I reuse that packaging for something else?
  • Why is that piece of clothing so cheap?

The world needs more people caring about their own home, the planet.
Don’t just buy and throw it away without thinking of the consequences.

Saving the environment means saving ourselves.

STOP thinking that your actions aren’t affecting the planet.

STOP thinking that the health of our planet is something independent from you.

STOP thinking that your small sustainable changes aren’t going to make a difference.

Instead, start making changes through your daily choices.

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