Working online: is it possible and how?

Life has definitely taken a lot of turns in the last year or so. Mostly good turns though, so all good!

I have basically never spoken about what it is that I do online although so many of you have been following my journey and enjoying everything I have shared so far.

I thought I would make this blog to answer some of the most common questions I get from people regarding my life and work.
Here it goes!

Can I also work full-time online?

If you have ever wondered if you can do this too, the answer is absolutely yes! The only thing stopping you from doing it are your own fears and beliefs. We all have something to share with the world, even if at times you may not think so.

Do you work in Marine Biology?

I have a masters in marine biology and always thought I wanted to work in the research side of things in the field. With time I have realized that to protect our ocean there is so much more than research to be done. One of the biggest things is spreading awareness and teaching people everything about what we are destroying with our own actions and how we can change it. So now, I do just this, whilst working with sustainable products and traveling whilst helping marine NGOs around the world during all the free time that the online work gives me.

How can I make money online?

There are honestly so many ways you can do this nowadays, but I will give you some of my tips & favorite ways.
1. Create your own brand and try growing on all platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, have your own website & mailing list, and even youtube or a podcast if you would like). The content you use on one platform can in most cases be reused on the others anyway.
-You can make a reel out of filming yourself speaking on a podcast.
-You can transform a long blog post into an Instagram post.
-You can make shorter videos for Instagram, from your youtube.
2. Keep going and be consistent, that is the only way you will grow. Enjoy what you do and make sure you are sharing stuff you care & are passionate about. You will never get bored.
3. Make your own products (courses, PDFs, presets, physical products) or sell other companies’ products through affiliate marketing. This is one of the things that I do myself and it is one of the less complex things to get started with.

What are the apps you use the most with your work?

-Lightroom: where I edit my photos a little. I usually use some of my favorite presets HERE.
-Inshot: where I put together most of my videos.
-Planoly: where I organize my content and plan what I will post.
-Canva: where I create particular stories, info-graphics, presentations etc.

Do you choose when to work or are there fixed hours?

As with everything in life, you need to put the work and hours in if you want to see results. But yes, when you work online & for yourself, you choose when to sit down at your computer to do the work. You are your own boss, you have to be disciplined or you will forever choose to go out rather than sit to do the work. It is pretty beautiful to have that time freedom together with that location freedom. So much more worth than any amount of money!

What products do you work with?

There are so many opportunities online and companies you can work with: the important thing is to work with one that reflects your exact values otherwise it makes no sense. I work with companies that care about protecting the environment and with their sustainable products. Products that lead to a massive decrease in plastic consumption if everyone were to purchase them.
I always partner with low-ticket products that I am passionate about which you can find in these blogs (‘Plastic-Free Living and Sustainable & Plastic-Free Kitchen‘) as well as in my Blue Shop. However, I make my living working with high-ticket products and you can learn all about it here.

At the end of the day, if you are willing to put in the work and work with something that you are passionate about, you will have the results you want to have. You will attract people who love the exact same things that you love as well as introduce some people to what may be a new world of information for them.

Click here to have a look into what exactly I do and how you can do the same. I also offer mentorship to guide you through the whole process and get yourself up and running with a sustainable online business.

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